Friday, April 18, 2008

Hello from the Azores

Ahoy Landlubbers!

Us rufty-tufty sailors have stopped off for two days R&R in the Azores. And we really need it. We sailed in here under a force 9 gusting to 10, and it was pretty hairy. I've never been so wet, cold and exhausted, and I'm loving every minute of it!

Some brave people have been climbing about in the rigging, but I prefer it down on the deck where I feel safe...
So, we've travelled 1850-odd miles so far, and have about 1400 left. We set sail again tomorrow morning (19th) at 10am local time (11am BST) and we'd all appreciate good thoughts and prayers for our safe journey.

See you all in May!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Ocean Tracker

If the above doesn't display properly, you will need to ensure that you have "Java Virtual Machine" installed.

To zoom in, click on the green marker, hold the mouse button down and draw a box, this will then show you more detail.

By left-clicking the yacht icon, the details of the latest automatic positional report (APR) is displayed. This includes date, time, positions, speed, heading & proximity.

When right-clicking the yacht icon, a pop-up menu is displayed containing lots of other options, most of which look both fun and baffling.

Full instructions can be found here:

Tuesday, April 1, 2008